Notre engagement
Constance understands the importance of federal standards applied to all state & local law enforcement
agencies are critical for a safer America, but also for citizens respect & trust of law enforcement
US News Ranked Tennessee as 42nd in crime & corrections. Factors to poor ranking is high incarceration
rates for adults, above average incarceration rates of juveniles & high violent crime rate.
Constance will push for actions:
1.) State Public Justice Independent Oversight Committee.
The BREATHE ACT calls for the creation of a federal community public safety agency at the
Department of Health & Human Services. The same can be done for the Breathe Act on State Level
with State Level Departments.
This agency will review & examine state & local police forces that have abused their power & advise
alternative steps to reimagine relationships between communities of color & local jurisdictions.
We must become a “Just” system.
2.) Demilitarization of the Police
From the billions allotted towards the War On Terror was the excess of military weapons,
vehicles, & hardware.
Unfortunately this military equipment ended up in the streets of America to local police
Military Equipment does not belong in Civilians hands that includes Civilian police officers.
Constance will end DOD 1033 Excess Use Program in Tennessee. Constance will ban and support
federal ban on use of military equipment expect for hostage, terrorism, or mass attack
3.) Smart Funding for Police Departments
Smart funding is an innovative funding scale that uses formula based upon objective quality of
life factors. The public wants the best police for their tax dollars.
However when Unarmed citizens, teenagers killed without de-escalations tactics applied, or in
some cases innocent citizens are killed; tax dollars are redirected from better community
services to covering cost of expensive lawsuits against the city & department.
Constance requires police officers to demonstrate their training that provides Standardized
quality of life factors into policing in order to receive funding.
4.) Refunding Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs
Tennessee has a deific based juvenile justice program. Instead of wrap around care we are prepping
youth for a lifetime of institutionalization & incarceration. Constance will fund holistic services to kids in
juvenile & their families.
5.) Legalization of Cannabis
The tax revenue from the sale of cannabis has turned to a billion dollar market. Tennessee could use
such revenue for vast public benefits from improving Roadways to funding Mental Health services &
out reach.
Additionally all individuals incarcerated for nonviolent Cannabis offenses will be pardon/clemency in
Tennessee and have their records expunged.
It is an INJUSTICE to see people profit from Cannabis industry in the billions of dollars while regular
mostly Black Americans are still in jails for the same thing. The War On Drugs mostly negatively
impacted Black Americans Families therefore it is the minimum to restorative justice that Black
Families see their tax dollars reinvested in their communities.
Constance Stands With:
-Statewide Alternative Response Program
-End Cash Bail
-Educational Requirements
-BiYearly Physical & Mental Evaluations
-End Private Prison
-Raise Age of Employment Requirement
-Full Restoration of Previously Incarcerated Taxpayers
-Humane Jailing such as Norway Prison Model.